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Mohs Micrographic Surgery for Skin Cancer

In this video Dr Ron Shelton discusses (NYC Mohs) Mohs Micrographic Surgery. The procedure that was introduced by Dr Fredrick Mohs in 1930s provides the greatest chance of curing skin cancer while removing the least amount of normal skin for certain skin cancers. Dr Shelton says skin cancers are curable if they are treated early and the cosmetic results also can be outstanding. Most common skin cancers such as Basal Cell Carcinoma and Squamous Cell Carcinomas can be treated very well with NYC Mohs. Dr Shelton shows the process of Mohs surgery in NYC, how specimens are analyzed at his laboratory and how the margins are examined if they are clear. Mohs Micrographic surgery allows Dr Shelton’s patients to come and have the skin cancer removed and undergo reconstruction with local anesthetic on the very same day. NYC Mohs before & after photo gallery: https://www.thenyac.com/gallery-mohs-… Schedule a consultation with Dr Shelton for NYC Mohs at: https://www.thenyac.com/contact-us/ or call his practice on 212) 593-1818

Read more about mohs surgery at: https://www.thenyac.com/mohs-micrographic-surgery-and-reconstruction


NYC Mohs Micrographic Surgery to prevent Skin Cancers

In this video Dr Ron Shelton discusses Mohs Micrographic Surgery. The procedure that was introduced by Dr Fredrick Mohs in 1930s provides the greatest chance of curing skin cancer while removing the least amount of normal skin for certain skin cancers.

Dr Shelton says skin cancers are curable if they are treated early and the cosmetic results also can be outstanding. Most common skin cancers such as Basal Cell Carcinoma and Squamous Cell Carcinomas can be treated very well with Mohs.

Dr Shelton shows the process of Mohs surgery, how specimens are analyzed at his laboratory and how the margins are examined if they are clear. Mohs Micrographic surgery allows Dr Shelton’s patients to come and have the skin cancer removed and undergo reconstruction with local anesthetic on the very same day. Mohs before & after photo gallery: https://www.thenyac.com/gallery-mohs-micrographic-reconstruction/

Schedule a consultation with Dr Shelton at: https://www.thenyac.com/contact-us/ or call his practice on 212) 593-1818